Your house is infested with tiny bacteria that can cause disease in your family and guests. Even if you attempt to keep your home clean, you may not know you are spreading germs until they become a problem.

It is now more crucial than ever to keep your house germ-free. Nobody likes to get sick, yet bacteria, viruses, and other diseases are extremely contagious. While you may try your best to keep things neat, your present cleaning habits may not be enough to keep things hygienic.

By addressing these problem areas, you can prevent germs from proliferating throughout your home.

Ignoring the small things

It’s easy to overlook your mirror, sink, appliances, electric razor, and other tiny items. However, if you do not remember to clean these items, they begin to accumulate a significant amount of harmful bacteria. This is especially true for washroom products and surfaces, so remember to wipe them down and wash your hands after coming into touch with them.

Keeping Your Shoes On

If you value your health, you would never eat on the sidewalk. This is due to the fact that outside surfaces are frequently dirty. When you wear your shoes inside, you’re bringing all of that dirt and grit with you, so change into a comfy pair of indoor slippers.

Forgetting to Clean Your Pet’s Paws

You are not the only one who enjoys going for a walk outside. Dogs enjoy digging in the ground, and cats bury their litter with their paws. If you don’t want traces of kitty litter and feces to spread throughout your home, remember to wipe your pet’s paws with a soft cleaner.

Not Cleaning Up Your Computer

You touch doorknobs, public sinks, and a variety of other surfaces that many other people have touched during the day. Naturally, these surfaces are contaminated with germs, which will readily transfer to your mouse and keyboard when you get home. You should clean your computer every day because you most likely use it every day. Just keep in mind to pick a moderate cleaning solution that will not harm your gadget.

Handling Packaging

You have every right to be happy about your new package, but do you realize how many hands have touched it? Even a local package requires the assistance of a few individuals to reach its destination, while long-distance deliveries are likely to require the assistance of many people. This also applies to food packages and things purchased at a store. After opening the package, wash your hands and dispose of it as quickly as possible.

Wearing Same Clothes

Your clothes come into touch with a variety of surfaces when you’re out and about. Your clothing may come into contact with seats and entrances, which all carry germs. To keep these viruses from spreading, change your clothing and toss your old ones in the hamper when you reach home.

Touching the Dirty Screen of Your Phone

If you’re like the majority of people, who spend a lot of time on their phone, whether you’re playing a game, messaging a buddy, or surfing the web, you have to use your fingers. You contact a lot of surfaces with those fingers, so even if you wash your hands frequently, you should clean your screen with a sanitizing pad every day.

Leaving Your Child’s Toys Unwashed

Children can be incredibly messy. They like touching various surfaces, putting their fingers in their mouths, playing in the mud, and doing other activities. They like playing with their toys, which can rapidly get contaminated with pathogens. As a result, you should wash their plush animals and wipe down their hard toys on a regular basis.

Using the Same Towels

Bath towels, dish towels, and rags absorb a lot of water and germs. When they become wet, they become a breeding ground for bacteria and reusing them just re-distributes germs throughout your body and house. If you toss your old towel into the hamper as soon as you finish using it, you won’t forget about it and unintentionally reuse it.

Unsanitary Kitchen Sink

You wash your dishes and silverware in the sink to remove filth and old food particles, but these particles do not simply vanish. Although the majority of it will drain, some scraps will adhere to the inside of your sink, the drain, and the garbage disposal system. If you do not disinfect your sink on a daily basis, germs in your sink can transfer to your clean dishes, which can be harmful to your health.

Not cleaning hard surfaces on a regular basis

Every day, you come into touch with countertops, food prep surfaces, switches, knobs, and other surfaces. If you clean one surface frequently but neglect another, germs will spread to every other surface in your home. As a result, it’s critical to keep an eye on every surface to avoid reintroducing germs to other surfaces. To achieve optimal cleanliness, apply a dependable disinfectant.

Not Washing Your Hands

Hands can be reservoirs of bacteria. Throughout the day, many people contact public surfaces, and some of those surfaces have been touched by others. You have no idea how clean these other people are, so wash your hands after using the restroom, opening doors, or touching any public surface. Hand wipes are a wonderful alternative for keeping your hands clean and germ-free in public toilets when there isn’t a disinfectant-filled sink.

A Clean Home is Beneficial to Your Health

A clean, functional plumbing system is a cornerstone of a healthy home. To maintain this, you should follow the above points, as well as keep your plumbing in good repair. For plumbing repairs or installations, call Caccia Plumbing at (650) 442-1470.