Frozen Pipes

San Mateo PlumberFrozen pipes definitely can create a problem in the home, a major problem. Those who live in areas where the temperature is known to drop severely should be ever so mindful of the dangers of frozen pipes.

To say frozen pipes can cause a catastrophe in the home would be a dramatic understatement. The ill-effects of frozen pipes could have a ripple effect that causes major damage to an interior and necessitates very costly plumbing repair work.

Why Do Pipes Freeze?

Water that remains inside the pipes that is not moving is going to freeze. A slow drip in a faucet, for example, can lead to a significant amount of water building up in the pipes. As the temperature drops, then the water freezes and expands. The expansion causes the pipes to start to break apart.

Clogs in the plumbing lines can also cause water to build up. Again, once water that is not moving collects in the pipes and freezes, the pipes start to expand to the breaking point. When they break, you have a major problem on your hands. Water that is not frozen then will flood out. The ice will collapse out of the pipes and dissolve. Really, you end up with major chaos when pipes freeze.

Preventing Pipes From Freezing

The steps to prevent pipes from freezing vary. Surely, you want to keep the thermostat in your home up enough that the water does not reach freezing levels. Look for signs of a clog in the sink or shower. Once you notice water goes down slowly, you should take steps to have the clog cleared out. Doing so is going to eliminate a ton of problems for you and your pipes.

Do not take steps on your own to unfreeze pipes. People who have used heating devices to unfreeze pipes have caused fires in the home. Instead, you do want to call Frozen Pipesplumbing pros to come to your residence and work on clearing out problems with the pipes.

The Vital Importance of Preventing Pipes from Bursting

To say you want to make sure pipes never burst would be a dramatic understatement. The cost of repair work and the resultant damage just might end up being way too much for the average person to contend with.

Rather than suffer through such a catastrophe, take steps to bring in a professional service. This way, you do not have to worry about struggling to fix things. Professional plumbers can clear out the frozen pipes and do so both quickly and safely.

Are your pipes possibly frozen in your San Mateo home? Give James Caccia Plumbing Inc. a Call at (650) 442-1470 , in order to figure out why your water isn’t working properly.