3 Most Common Home Disasters to Look Out for This Fall

When the cool fall weather arrives, homeowners have many things that need attention around their homes.

One of the most important aspects of home maintenance in the fall involves the plumbing system, which if left unchecked can produce home disasters of epic proportions.

However, by contacting a plumbing professional and having them inspect a home’s pipes, valves, water heaters, and many other things it’s possible to avoid disaster and instead have peace of mind.

San Mateo Fall Home MaintenanceSeptic System Back-Up

During the fall, many people fail to have their septic systems serviced. When this is the case, they often come to regret it. Septic systems can develop clogs in their drains from various types of debris, and can also freeze when temperatures dip too low.

If this happens, there’s a good chance the system will back up into the home, which not only leaves a disgusting mess, but also brings with it a high repair bill. Having a plumber inspect the tank for clogs or other problems can ensure the septic tank will be working fine throughout the fall and winter.

Frozen Pipes

Another common home disaster in the fall involves pipes that freeze and then burst, sending water spraying in all directions. For a home that has high-pressure plumbing, a burst pipe can spray at least 10 gallons of water per minute. At this rate a house could be severely flooded, especially if no one is at home when it happens.

To guard against this occurring, a plumber can inspect any pipes that are exposed, such as those along basement walls or located in garages or attics.

All exposed pipes that may be in danger of freezing and bursting should be insulated with heating tape or foam pipe insulation, and in some cases may need to have temperature-controlled heat cables placed on or near them to keep them warm.

Outside Faucets

While most homeowners are concerned about their inside plumbing, many fail to consider their outside plumbing fixtures. Faucets that drip or leak during the fall and winter can freeze, and under certain conditions the pipes attached to them can burst.

However, while the fixtures may be outside, their pipes are usually located inside. As a result, they can easily lead to flooding in a basement or crawlspace, severely damaging a home and possibly its foundation.

By having a plumber inspect these fixtures, yet another potential fall home disaster can be avoided.

If it can go wrong, it will– unless you keep up with a regular maintenance schedule. Call James Caccia Plumbing at (650) 442-1470 to get your San Mateo, CA home inspected.