Have you ever turned your tap on just to be welcomed by a foul sewage odor emanating from your drain? Most homeowners will come across stinky sink drains at some point in their lives. No matter how careful you are about what goes down your drain, over time, your drain tends to collect build-up from grease, food particles, and other unpleasant materials causing it to stink.
Fortunately, you don’t have to put up with stinking drains forever! And the best part? It doesn’t involve using any harsh chemicals that can cause health problems and corrode your pipes. Continue reading to find out the few remedies you can try yourself to get rid of this unbearable odor coming from your drain.
How to Get Rid of Stinky Drains?
Ice cubes, rock salt, and lemon peels
If your sink has a disposal unit, make sure that the disposal blades are clean and clear from any food particles. We suggest chucking some ice cubes, rock salt, and lemon peels down your garbage disposal. Repeat a few times to get rid of the odor – and there you have it!
The ice helps remove the food from the grinder while the salt cleanses the insides. For good measure, repeat the flushing and then ground up a few lemon peels to add a fresh citrus scent.
Distilled white vinegar
Vinegar is an excellent solution for keeping your drains clean and fresh. And is very effective when it is heated. The vinegar’s acetic acid helps in neutralizing the source of the stench. The acid in vinegar may quickly penetrate grease and has disinfectant qualities.
To do this, just heat four cups of white vinegar and wait until it simmers. Pour half of it down your drain and let the water run for about 60 seconds. Repeat the procedure with the remaining hot vinegar.
This approach usually gets rid of any minor blockages in the drain, which are usually the source of the stinky odors.
White Vinegar and Baking Soda
Pour at least ¼ cup of baking soda down your drain, and follow it with a cup of vinegar. Make sure that you cover your drain so none of the solutions leaks into your sink. Normally, the reaction of these two chemicals breaks up the clog and pushes it down the drain.
After performing this, wait for about half an hour, then pour a few cups of boiling water down your drain to wash everything out. Just take extra precautions to not burn yourself.
Looking for a professional who can get rid of that nasty smell? Look no further than Caccia Plumbing!
If you performed the things listed above but your drains still smell, call a professional plumber for a total sewer vent line inspection.
Older homes, in particular, are prone to ventilation problems in the plumbing. When your ventilation system fails, air from the pipes backs up into your drains rather than leaving outside your home. When cleaning your P-traps isn’t enough, a thorough sewage vent line inspection can help restore your ventilation system.
You don’t have to put up with stinky drains! Give Caccia plumbing a call now and we’ll send our professional plumber to your home to do an inspection to determine the exact cause of the problem and offer you the best solution, whether it be drain cleaning or rooter service.