Looking to buy a home? Get the plumbing inspected before you do!

San Mateo PlumberIf you are looking at moving into a new home, it is important to make all of the necessary inspections before you actually purchase the house. There are all sorts of different issues that can come up that are not readily apparent when you first move into the house or even when you walk through it. That is why, before you put your name on the doted line and agree to the mortgage, you need to bring in different inspectors. While there is an electrician and other inspectors for specific aspects of the house, you need to bring in a plumbing inspector for your home to make sure the plumbing is correct. This is not something you can do on your own, as if you miss something important, it can eventually cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in unwanted and immediate repairs. This is why a plumbing inspection is essential.

For starters, the plumbing inspector is going to walk through the house and check out all of the different plumbing elements of the house. This is not just the sinks and drains, but also inside of the basement, if there is a sub pump or if the house connects to the city to deposit waste or if it does so in the back yard. All of this is very important to know ahead of time. Even if there is no problems with water connections, it is a good idea to know if you have a septic tank in the house or if it runs to the city. Beyond this though, the plumbing inspector is always about finding problems and pointing these problems out to you.

San Mateo Plumbing InspectionAfter the plumbing inspector has gone through the house and made all of the inspections, they are able to tell you what all is wrong with it. If nothing is wrong, that is good and you can go about signing the mortgage and purchase agreement, without having to worry about needing to spend money right away on correcting and replacing damaged property. However, if there is a major problem, you need to take this into changing the offer on the house. There is no reason why you should have to pay for these damages when it fell under disrepair from the previous owners. You can usually have money set aside to have it corrected and fixed. Either way, you just need to know what is wrong, before you go into buying the house.

Looking to buy a home in the San Mateo area? Call James Caccia Plumbing at (650) 442-1470 and get the plumbing inspected before you do!