What Do I Need to Look For When Hiring a Plumber?

San Mateo PlumberPlumbers are the professionals you must call if you need someone to fix your plumbing problems. Whether it is a leaking pipe or a clogged drain, a plumber should be able to provide quality service for you when choosing repairmen who have knowledge and experience. A skilled plumber knows how to quickly identify what kind of repair job a plumbing problem needs and fix them quickly. You should consider a few important tips before you consider hiring a plumber to fix an annoying plumbing problem. Here are a few details to look out for.


The first question that you need to ask a plumber is if the individual is professionally licensed. A repairman should be able to produce his or her license upon request. Plumbing agencies usually make it a requirement for a plumber to bring along licenses and credentials to show to their clients. A customer can always call the offices of the plumbing agency to check if their licenses are updated and current. You should never let unlicensed plumbers do a plumbing job so you can ensure the job gets done right the first time.


Ask your plumber if he or she has liability insurance. The minimum liability insurance for a regular professional plumber should be a minimum protection amount totaling $500,000. This insurance will also include repairman’s compensation. The purpose of liability insurance is to protect you in the event of injury. There is a possibility that you or the plumber may have an accident which can result in an injury. Liability insurance will give compensation for an injured person while the plumber is performing the job. When hiring a licensed plumber with liability insurance, you will not have any obligation to pay compensation for any injuries while a plumbing repair is being done.

Plumbing ServicesExperience

Another important factor that you need to check with your plumber is the amount of experience that person has in plumbing and repairs. A plumbing service should have records of previous jobs performed by the plumber you want to consider hiring. The receptionist should be able to tell you the history of the plumber and the details of the jobs that person has performed until now. You must weigh the success and failures of this plumber before you hire that person for the job. Hire the plumber only after you are convinced by the experience the individual has. In addition, ask for a recommendation from the plumbing service you chose.

Plumbers are very important professionals to hire especially if you are having an emergency. While it might be a problem that needs urgent repair, it does not mean you cannot choose the best plumber for the job. Follow through with these guidelines to make a better decision on which plumber to choose.

We want to make sure our San Mateo customers are happy, so leave the plumbing projects up to James Caccia Plumbing Inc. Don’t delay and call (650) 442-1470 today!