When the scent of pumpkin-spiced lattes fills the air, that indicates autumn has arrived. Fall is a great time to cool off after battling the summer heat, with activities like hayrides and pumpkin picking as well as light coats and scarves. If you’re unsure of how to get ready for fall (other than stocking up on pumpkin sweets), here’s how to start with your plumbing:
Insulate Pipes & Fix Leaks
Any plumbing system is most vulnerable where the leaks exist. When the weather becomes cold, leaks will be the first thing to freeze over. Where your pipes are weakest is typically where leaks occur. In the winter, the pipes might likely explode when the ice expands as it freezes. Dealing with a burst pipe is the last thing you want to do when it’s freezing outside. However, while it’s warm, finding leaks will be a lot simpler because it’ll be simpler to see any water drops.
During the summer, check each pipe in and outside of your house. Don’t forget the lid for your septic tank. Don’t ignore anything, even if it appears to be dampness because even the tiniest leak might cause a major issue. To be safe, have a professional fix them. The danger and subsequent expense of a burst pipe—which might be at least $1,000—is not worth it.
Moreover, make sure your non-leaky pipes are well insulated since a pipe that is not properly insulated might freeze even when there are no leaks. Typically, this entails covering the pipes with foam insulation or other materials. To maintain the highest level of safety for your pipes, it is advisable to have a professional do this.
Be sure that you are aware of the location of your water main. You can turn off the pipe in case it bursts to stop additional harm. This is also a smart move if you’re going to be gone for the winter to prevent water from collecting and freezing in your pipes.
Check and insulate your septic tank.
Your plumbing system’s fundamental component is a septic tank. Accessing an underground tank on the frozen ground might be difficult or expensive if something were to go wrong in the winter. Septic tanks require routine maintenance to be functional; the last thing you want before winter is a tank full of piled mud and waste that might freeze over or overflow.
As fall approaches, get a professional to check out and empty your septic tank. Ask them to also check whether the septic tank is insulated. If not, ask them to handle that as well. So long as your plumbing is prepared for the next winter, you may relax this fall.
Check Your Sump Pump
Sump pumps protect your basement from rain and water that may flood it in the spring, summer, and autumn. Even while the chance of flooding may be lower in the winter, it’s still a wise idea to proactively winterize your sump pump’s pipes.
To prevent water from freezing inside during the winter, remove the discharge hose and keep it off until the weather warms up. Just remember to connect it again in the spring! Also, be sure to keep a backup hose on hand just in case. You must always keep your sump pump plugged in. You can have a flooded basement if a warm front or unusual downpour unexpectedly passes through during the winter.
To prevent anything from freezing or clogging the sump pump, remove all dirt, ice, and other obstructions from the pit. Run some water through it to test it frequently to make sure it’s still functional. Make sure your plumbing diverts the sump pump’s water at least ten feet from the house’s foundation before installing it. Finally, remember to keep the heat on! This will prevent everything in your basement from freezing, including your pipes and sump pump. It will also keep the area warm. Get a professional to check out and fix your sump pump if you notice any issues. Being safe is better than being sorry.
Winterize Outdoor Faucets
Plumbing in your house can take on a variety of shapes in the fall. Although you generally don’t consider the small faucets outside your home to be plumbing, but they actually are. They might cause your exterior plumbing to freeze if not addressed in the winter.
Make sure all of your faucets are properly closed in the fall. Store them safely away after draining any water or hoses that may be attached to them. You may purchase foam insulation kits to place around them in the winter to provide additional protection.
Check Your Water Heater
The water heater is one of the most ignored components in any house. The “brain” of your water temperature may seem impossible to ignore, but in reality, this heating appliance is frequently overlooked until a serious issue arises. If you’re concerned that you’ve been neglecting your water heater for some time, it’s time to call Caccia Plumbing for professional servicing! Our experts will thoroughly check your unit, and we’ll make sure it stays in great condition throughout any season.
Get A Professional Plumbing Inspection Now!
This may seem like a lot of work to do in the fall to prepare your plumbing for the winter. However, you’ll save more money, time, and energy if you take more preventative actions today. Caccia Plumbing offers skilled, in-depth knowledge of all aspects of plumbing, ensuring the safety of your house throughout the colder months. We’ll conduct in-depth examinations of your plumbing and provide you with honest quotations on the prices of repair and replacement—which we can also handle for you! Contact us right now to arrange an inspection of your plumbing for this autumn.