How to handle a plumbing emergency

Burst Pipe Repair Services in BurlingamePlumbing problems can come up at a moment’s notice and being prepared with a viable solution to take care of the plumbing emergency is an essential step in limiting the damage that can result. The damage can be quite extensive as water damage resulting from plumbing damage is one of the larger contributors to home damage. Many people consider plumbing issues to be limited to just the toilet bowl and drains when in reality they govern you’re heating system as well. Pipes clog, freeze, and then break when they thaw and the result is a flood in your house that is expensive to correct.

With a plumbing emergency the first step is to stop your water pressure. This will prevent any significant leaks from causing water damage. If possible look for a local shut-off switch, if not then use the universal shut off for your water main. This will limit the total damage that you may be faced with as a result. This step is essential if water is overflowing and leading to water damage in your home.

The next step that you should take is contacting a licensed plumber. This is an essential step given the potential damage that you can be faced with. Many people will look for the problem themselves and only lead to future damage down the road. By handling it with a plumber you will get someone experienced and trained in dealing with these larger and more significant plumbing issues. Research plumbers in your neighborhood to find a reputable plumber.

Plumbing problems can be significant destroyers of home value and lead to expensive repairs. Clogged drains and other minor problems can be typically dealt with by using a plunger or a snake by yourself. More significant plumbing emergencies should be dealt with by contacting a professional plumber and using the expertise that they have to handle the problems that you are faced with. But as soon as you are aware of the problem be sure to shut off your water pressure. This will prevent most of the damage that you can potentially have as a result of your plumbing emergency.

Call James Caccia today at (650) 442-1470 if you’re having a plumbing emergency in Burlingame. We have immediate solutions for your situation!