Many houses may experience an increase in houseguests due to the holidays and the return of students for winter break. You will get a plumbing system that will see higher consumption and perhaps abuse since you were the kind person who offered to host the holidays.
During the Christmas season, nearly every plumbing business has a considerable increase in emergency service calls, typically for clogged sewer and drain lines.
Use this active guide to properly get your hands around avoiding potential plumbing issues throughout the Holiday season. Here are a few suggestions, nevertheless, that will prevent plumbers from entering your home until the new year.
Cover the Shower Drains
The number of showers and baths will grow when you have house guests. Hair is more likely to get into your drains when there are more people taking showers. So if you still don’t have drain covers in every bathroom, now is the time to have them set up.
These drain covers will collect any hair that washes into the drain as well as any other small objects that could have been dropped and ended up there accidentally. Just keep in mind to regularly clear these drain covers of any hair and debris to allow for adequate drainage.
Get a Trash Bin
A small trash can should be placed next to the sink or toilet in every bathroom in the house. Why? Because nothing but water should ever be flushed down the drain in your sink, toilet, or shower (waste and toilet paper for toilets).
Make sure everyone in the house—especially visitors who might not know—understands that all waste must go in this tiny trash can and that nothing should be flushed. The following often flushed objects shouldn’t be: cotton swabs, makeup removal wipes, disposable wipes, feminine hygiene goods, etc. These objects can cause major clogs when flushed, which can harm not just your drain pipes but also your main sewage system.
Keep a Plunger Handy
The worst feeling in the world is trying to unclog a clogged toilet without a plunger around. Avoid doing this to your guests if you are hosting the holidays. You’ll benefit your plumbing as well as preventing them from having a panic attack. Unattended clogs can worsen into blockages, and the wear and strain on the plumbing system can eventually cause leaks. Keep a plunger on hand in each and every restroom. Your visitors and plumbing will appreciate it!
Keep an Auger for Emergencies
Plungers don’t always work as well as you had expected while trying to clear jams and obstructions. In order to prepare for circumstances like this, you should always carry a hand auger. Your chances of removing a clog will be improved with this auger.
The hand auger is usually recommended over a chemical drain cleaner since it is one of the best equipment for clearing obstructions. In spite of their claims to be able to clear clogs and buildups, harsh chemical drain cleaners actually damage your pipes and drain more than they help. If you do decide to buy a commercial product, search for one that contains enzymes.
Keep the Garbage Disposal off Limits
There is a lot of food consumed during the holidays (not that we’re complaining), and cleaning up after a holiday feast may be challenging. Usually, house visitors will assist with cleaning up after themselves and clearing the table, but the garbage disposal has to be off-limits.
Only a few people are aware that garbage disposal should only be used for extremely soft meals (particularly those who do not have a disposal in their own houses). Avoid letting anybody else use this disposal since they could try to flush all the scraps (or oil or grease) down the drain in an effort to crush them and aid in cleanup.
This can result in clogged disposal and drain, forcing you to call your neighborhood plumber and make an unnecessary journey to your house. (Although we’d love to visit you, we understand that you might not want to see us because of this.)
What Else Should You Add to Your Holiday Wish list?
How’s Your Water Heater’s Performance?
Your water heater may need to be upgraded depending on a number of factors, so keep an eye out for them.
Due to the hardness of the water, water heaters with tanks often last 6 to 8 years. It may be more that you offer the required upkeep and yearly flushes). If yours is much older than ten years, you could be spending more than necessary to heat the water.
Using hot water from a tank-style water heater might be limited since you have to wait for it to reheat and refill after using all of the water in the tank. Running out of hot water frequently may be an issue for larger families or those who frequently have house guests. A tankless water heater will eliminate the tank and heat water as it is needed, giving you, your family, and any visitors a never-ending supply of hot water. In addition to having an endless supply of hot water, you will save money on electricity since you won’t need to pay for a huge water tank that has to be heated regularly.
Can Your Bathrooms Take the Flushes?
Do you think it’s too easy for your toilets to get clogged? This might indicate an obstruction in the sewage system, but it could also indicate that your toilets are outdated and no longer flush with adequate force.
First things first: call your neighborhood plumber to schedule an inspection of your toilets and sewage line. A quick camera inspection could reveal the problem’s location or provide assurance that your sewer system is in good shape. If it turns out that your toilets are the problem and your sewage line is in good condition, it may be time to replace them.
You don’t think about replacing your toilet very much at all, let alone frequently. However, given the high flush power and degree of water efficiency offered by current toilets, those from the 1990s (and even the early 2000s) cannot be compared. Perhaps you need new toilets this holiday season (as weird as that is to say).
Final Thoughts
This time of year can be particularly difficult on your plumbing because of the increased usage of plumbing fixtures and more home visitors. This is precisely why you should get your house ready now to prevent issues from cropping up when you wrap gifts or set the table for a family supper.
Know that Caccia Plumbing will be available for you whether you need assistance with holiday plumbing preparations or if you want emergency service in the middle of the season.
Our certified plumbers are well aware of what your house needs to not only get through the holidays but also thrive all year long. Call us whenever you need us; we’d be happy to help.